I'm lying in bed sick today with a terrible sore throat. Couldn't sing a note if my life depended on it! Hate that. I realized a few moments ago what the date was-- December 4. Anniversary of the day I lost my baby. I was six weeks along, hanging Christmas lights when the feeling that something was wrong came over me. Some would think it was no great loss to lose a fetus, but I'm here to tell you to never discount what you haven't experienced yourself. Loss of life is a great loss...anytime.
I'm constantly reading and watching commentary on Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, MO and the decision by the grand jury not to pursue an indictment of Officer Darren Wilson. My heart goes out to Michael's parents who will grieve the loss of their son forever. It is a tragic loss no matter how you look at it.
What's puzzling me more is how we will recover from this incident as a nation--as human beings. The things I see going on makes me wonder if we can ever heal and find a way to overcome racial divisions. Having been a baby in the late 60's I thought I'd seen great progress in our society as whites and blacks began to work, eat, and sleep side by side. TV shows reflected our progress in popular sitcoms. Movies, such as "Blazing Saddles" mocked racial prejudice, and WE ALL LAUGHED AT IT! We laughed because we knew it was behind us. Or so I thought.
I still think our racial judgments are behind us, but that certain elements are trying to keep hatred alive. I know, for instance, that the town of Ferguson is made up of a majority of citizens who love their town, respect each other and want only to live peacefully--black and white. But evil lurks in the form of Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, the Black Panthers, and others whose only existence is upheld by keeping divisions and hatred flowing.
I have hope that we can overcome this hatred. Instead of "Hands up, don't shoot" we should be saying "Hands Together". We need to remember that the majority of society believes in love and wants peace and doesn't judge. The only way to defeat this evil is to stand together and stop believing the lies that Sharpton and the rest want us to embrace. The only way to change the world is to change ourselves. I'm the only person I have control over, and therefore, I have to take responsibility for myself and my actions. Can we close our ears to the message of hate? Can we open our hearts and take the hand of whoever is standing next to us instead? Where there is love there is healing. Where there is love hatred cannot exist.
I'm constantly reading and watching commentary on Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, MO and the decision by the grand jury not to pursue an indictment of Officer Darren Wilson. My heart goes out to Michael's parents who will grieve the loss of their son forever. It is a tragic loss no matter how you look at it.
What's puzzling me more is how we will recover from this incident as a nation--as human beings. The things I see going on makes me wonder if we can ever heal and find a way to overcome racial divisions. Having been a baby in the late 60's I thought I'd seen great progress in our society as whites and blacks began to work, eat, and sleep side by side. TV shows reflected our progress in popular sitcoms. Movies, such as "Blazing Saddles" mocked racial prejudice, and WE ALL LAUGHED AT IT! We laughed because we knew it was behind us. Or so I thought.
I still think our racial judgments are behind us, but that certain elements are trying to keep hatred alive. I know, for instance, that the town of Ferguson is made up of a majority of citizens who love their town, respect each other and want only to live peacefully--black and white. But evil lurks in the form of Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, the Black Panthers, and others whose only existence is upheld by keeping divisions and hatred flowing.
I have hope that we can overcome this hatred. Instead of "Hands up, don't shoot" we should be saying "Hands Together". We need to remember that the majority of society believes in love and wants peace and doesn't judge. The only way to defeat this evil is to stand together and stop believing the lies that Sharpton and the rest want us to embrace. The only way to change the world is to change ourselves. I'm the only person I have control over, and therefore, I have to take responsibility for myself and my actions. Can we close our ears to the message of hate? Can we open our hearts and take the hand of whoever is standing next to us instead? Where there is love there is healing. Where there is love hatred cannot exist.